Animals and Child Safety

Animals and Child Safety


  • While animals can provide joy, they also pose potential dangers.
  • Always ensure close supervision of your child around an animal.
  • Teach your children safe play practices with pets and how to recognize and respond to danger signs and be well-versed in emergency procedures.

Animals and Child Safety

Animals and Child Safety

On this page: ↓↓

  1. Animals and Child Safety Lesson plans
  2. Child Safety and Dogs
  3. Child Safety and Cats
  4. Child Safety and Birds
  5. Child Safety and Snakes
  6. Child Safety and Insects

Animals and Child Safety Lesson Plans:

Children often develop deep connections with pets, learning valuable life lessons however, responsibilities and risks accompany the interaction between children and animals.

  • Educate children on proper behavior around animals.
  • Treat animals gently and calmly, avoiding actions that may hurt, tease, frighten, surprise, or corner an animal.
  • Always supervise children near animals.
  • if not possible, separate them during high-energy play, mealtime, or when either is sleeping.
  • Request friends and relatives to follow similar practices.
  • Keep pets healthy - Wash hands thoroughly after touching animals, their belongings, or toys.

Child Safety and Dogs:

In many Australian households, pets, especially dogs, are common.

Any dog may bite a child, so take preventive measures

  1. However, incidents leading to children's injuries occur each year. Children under 5 years old face a higher risk, often bitten during play, mealtime, or the dog's sleep.
  2. Supervise children closely around dogs, emphasizing gentle interaction during play.
  3. Teach children to leave a dog alone while sleeping or eating, responding to signs like lifted lips, growls, backing away, raised hair, or staring.
  4. Advise children to only approach unfamiliar dogs with permission.
  5. In case of a dog bite, remain calm, clean the wound, and seek medical attention if necessary.

What are 4 ways to ensure animal safety for cats?

While cats make wonderful pets, injuries usually result from bites or scratches on the head, neck, or upper extremities.

  1. Practice good hygiene.
  2. Thoroughly clean and disinfect any cat bites or scratches.
  3. Prevent children's access to litter trays and garden beds used by cats for toileting.
  4. Keep cats out of a child's nursery to restrict access to the cot.

Child Safety and Birds:

  • Parrot fever, common in Australia, can affect children more severely than adults.
  • Teach children to handle birds, especially those from the parrot family, with care.
  • Always ensure handwashing after touching birds.

Child Safety and Snakes:

  1. While snakebite deaths are uncommon in Australia, children should be educated on the dangers of snakes.
  2. Minimize risks by avoiding walking through tall grass and bushland with children, and remaining still if a snake appears.

What are the safety measures for animals?

Children may find insects fascinating, but it's crucial to educate them on proper interaction

  1. Teach children not to disturb or provoke venomous creatures.
  2. Avoid walking through tall grass or unsafe bushland with children.
  3. Dress children in closed-in shoes and long pants when in the bush, using insect repellents on children over 12 months.
  4. Take precautions against mosquito bites, especially in areas where malaria is endemic.

How do you keep kids safe around pets? On Insect Stings and Bites

  1. Teach children not to disturb or provoke venomous creatures.
  2. Use insect repellents on children over 12 months.
  3. Consume soft drinks through a straw to avoid attracting wasps and bees.
  4. Keep children away from insect nests and seek professional help for removal.
  5. In case of stings, keep the child still, remove stings, and seek medical attention if necessary.

  • Epilogue

Some children may have severe allergic reactions; follow appropriate emergency procedures in such cases.

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